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HDR Light Studio uses Reprise License Management

At Lightmap we prefer to code new features in HDR Light Studio instead of re-inventing the wheel and developing our own software licensing solution. Therefore, HDR Light Studio uses Reprise License Management software - called RLM for short. RLM is an industry standard solution used by many other leading 3D software companies to license their software.


I have renewed Subscription and want to install my renewal floating licenses
See Updating Subscription Floating Licenses



Step 1: Choose the computer where RLM Server software will be installed

The RLM Server software is a small application that you leave running on a computer of your choice, that then gives out license permissions for computers on the network to run HDR Light Studio.


Important! Choose this computer carefully as the license files generated will be locked to this machine.

Below is a list of criteria to consider when choosing where to install the RLM server software:
