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modules are used to customize your agent simulation. A Behaviour module has a set of methods which are called during the simulation at different stages. They are called in the following order:

  1. Init simulation (at the beginning of the simulation, before the first frame)

  2. Pre frame (for every frame before the agents are created)

  3. Agents Created (when some agents are created)
  4. Agents Killed (when some agents are deleted)
  5. Init frame (at the beginning of each frame after the agents are created)

  6. End frame (at the end of each frame)

  7. End simulation (at the end of the simulation - after the last frame)

Their responsiblity is to interact with the agents node network and edit their metadatas during the simulation. Each behaviour module usually interact only with the agents created by the agent group that own the module.

New custom behaviour module can be created directly in your scene with python using the Atoms UI or in C++ as new Atoms plugins. Please look at the techinical documentation for more information.
