- After purchasing an Atoms Crowd license, please write to support@toolchefs.com and ask to have access to the Atoms Agents bundle.
- Extract the zip file after downloading.
Copy the AtomsAgents folder to C:\Program Files\Toolchefs (on Windows).
Add the following line lines to your houdini.env file.
コード ブロック |
ATOMS_AGENTS_DATA = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsAgents/data"
# edit your PYTHONPATH so that contains
PYTHONPATH = "C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsAgents/houdini/python;$PYTONPATH;"
# edit your HOUDINI_PATH so that contains
HOUDINI_PATH = "$HOUDINI_PATH;C:/Program Files/Toolchefs/AtomsAgents/houdini;&" |
Copy the AtomsAgents_WINDOWS.module file from the AtomsAgents folder into the modules folder under Documents/maya (or in one of your modules path) and rename it to AtomsAgents.module .