GUI mode
Give a name for your agent type (i.e. testRobot).
Select the skeleton and geo files you exported previously. Leave the State Machine field blank for nowThe "Skeleton File" will point to your skeleton definition file, the "Geo Path" to your proxy geo file and the "Skin Path" to your skinned geo file.
Set the state machine to "robotStateMachine" or select it from the drop down menu on the right side of the field.
You can edit the scale multiplier if you want even if it's not necessary for this tutorial.
Your GUI should look like the one in the picture.
Click on the "Register" button or press CTRL+S.
Your agent type is now ready to be used.
Script mode
In case you selected the script mode, you should edit your script so it looks like the following.
Then hit CTRL+S or click on the "Register" button.
コード ブロック | ||||||||
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import os
import imath
import AtomsCore
import Atoms
from Atoms import GLOBAL_NAMES
class AgentTypeEvent2(Atoms.SimulationEvent):
eventName = 'testRobot'
skelFile = 'D:/projects/atomsDemo/configs/atomsRobot.atomsskel'
geoPath = 'D:/projects/atomsDemo/configs/atomsRobot.geos'
skinPath = 'D:/projects/atomsDemo/configs/atomsRobot_skin.geos'
stateMachine = 'robotStateMachine'
scaleMultiplier = 1.0
def __init__(self):
def load(self):
skel = AtomsCore.Skeleton(1)
skeletonArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
if skeletonArchive.readFromFile(self.skelFile):
aType = Atoms.AgentType()
meshMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()
typeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
if typeArchive.readFromFile(self.geoPath):
aType.metadata()[AGENT_TYPE.LOW_GEO] = meshMap
skinMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()
skinArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
if skinArchive.readFromFile(self.skinPath):
aType.metadata()[AGENT_TYPE.SKIN_GEO] = skinMap
aType.metadata()[AGENT_TYPE.STATE_MACHINE] = AtomsCore.StringMetadata(self.stateMachine)
aType.metadata()[AGENT_TYPE.SCALE_MULTIPLIER] = AtomsCore.DoubleMetadata(self.scaleMultiplier)
Atoms.AgentTypes.instance().addAgentType(self.eventName, aType)
def unload(self):
Atoms.AgentTypes.instance().removeAgentType(self.eventName) |