Once all the variations have been set up in the variation manager, setting all the variations for your agents can be quite a tedious task.
If you do not care about having which variation is assigned to your agents, you might use this tool.
Select your agent group node from the gui and the agent type you want to set up. A list of all the available variations for that agent will be displayed.
If you just want to assign certain variations you can do so by selecting the variation top groups or their children. Selecting a top group is like selecting all it's children.
If nothing is selected then all the variations will be used.
Finally variations are grouped using a naming a convention. If your variation name contain an "_", the string before that character will be considered as the group name, while everything after that will be the child name.
For instance, say you have three variations: NightOut1_v1, NightOut1_v2, NightOut1_v3.
NightOut1 will be the group name and the children names will be v1, v2, v3.
Once you are happy with your selection, click on the "Run" button.
Variation Managerでバリエーションをすべて設定した後、すべてのエージェントに対してバリエーションを設定することは非常に面倒な作業になります。
エージェントをすばやく設定するためのツールはVariation Randomizerです。
選択したエージェントでのみRandomizeを実行する場合は、「On selected agents only」を有効にします。
注意 |
このツールを実行する前に、必ずシミュレーションをリセットしてください。リセットを実行しない場合「Agent Types」リストが空になる可能性があります。 |