In Atoms you can save your simulation on disk using the Atoms cache, then is possible to reuse these caches using the "cacheReader" behaviour module. The Atoms Cache is lightwave and fast. Compared to live simulation it can increase the performance of your scene.
With the cache reader and the agents layout tool you can edit and tweak your cache.
Exporting a cache
You can open the cache exporter GUI using the shelf button or via the Atoms Menu: Atoms > Export > Cache Exporter
- Select the agent groups you have created from the list, then choose a path where your cache will be saved.
- Finally select your start and end frame.
- Click on the "Export" button
There also few other options:
- Multithread: to be used for high number of agents
- Compress: compress each cache file
- Random Access Compress: compress each agent in the file. Best if you are planning to read randomly the agents keeping the benefit of compression; for instance, if you will time offset agents singularly later on.
Importing a cache
You can import a cache back in a scene using the cacheReader behavuour module
- Create and agent group
- Add a cacheReader behaviour module
- in the cachePath attribute of the cache reader module pick the cache file (the file named youCacheName.atoms)
- Rewind the scene and atoms will load the cache. It also automatically load all the agentType that are missing from your scene
- You can move, rotate the agent groups to place it where you want and you can create multiple agent group to load different caches or the same cache multiple times
Editing a cache
When a cache is loaded in your scene you can still edit it to change your layout or simulation.
Apply a new height field
Even if you exported the cache from some agent groups on a height field you can apply a new height field to your cache
- Create a new height field
- Create an agent group and import your cache using the cacehReader behaviour module
- in the height field attribute of the cache reader module select the new hegith field
- Rewind the scene and press play
Move agents
- Create an agent group and import your cache using the cacehReader behaviour module