  1. Download Atoms Maya from here
  2. Extract the AtomsMaya folder from the tar.gz archive

    tar xvf AtomsMaya_x_x_x.tar.gz
  3. Copy the Atoms Maya folder to:

    cp AtomsMaya /opt/Toolchefs/

    If you want install Atoms Maya in a different location, please remember to edit the AtomsMaya.module and AtomsMaya.sh replacing "/opt/Toolchefs/" with the correct folder path

  4. Set the rlm server hostname or ip and port inside AtomsMaya.sh
  5. Copy the AtomsMaya.sh script to:

    cp AtomsMaya/AtomsMaya.sh /etc/profile.d/


  • Atoms is using a dynamic linked imath python module, while maya has a static linked imath python module. For this reason the AtomsMaya/python python path must be loaded before the maya python path
  • ラベルがありません