The state machine module build a state machine network for the group agents. It also handles state changes during the simulation.
Attributes | Type | Overridable | Description |
behave3d | bool | no | If true, the agents will move freely in 3D as if they were particles. The Particle operator is going to be applied instead of the Pelvis and Foot Operators. |
fixLegStretch | bool | no | If true, compensate the leg stretching. |
frameRate | string | yes | Frequency at which the frames are read and displayed. |
gravityField | string | no | The name of the gravity field. |
heightField | string | no | The name of the height field. |
heightFieldOffset | double | no | An extra offset applied to your agent heights from the ground. |
seed | int | no | Seed random value. |
startFrame | double | yes | The start frame of the state machine clips. If set to a value lower than 0, a random value is used instead. |
state | int | yes | The current state. |