Here's an example of a floating license key.
HOST acme_server b8e856458582 5053
ISV lightmap port=62645
LICENSE lightmap hdrlightstudio 2016.0412 12-apr-2016 5 hostid=ANY share=uh
start=12-apr-2015 issuer=web-shop customer=U-00000002 issued=12-apr-2015 replace
disable="TerminalServer VM" _ck=202228fefb sig="302D02145AD0D8A948E
The HOST line specifies on which computer the license server will run. There is only one HOST line per license file.
HOST acme_server b8e856458582 5053
•acme_server | the hostname of the license server. |
•b8e856458582 | the MAC Address of the license server. The license key needs to be on the computer whose MAC Address matches this number. |
•5053 | the port through which communication takes place. 5053 is the default value. If 5053 is being used by another vendor, you should change this port to another number (like 5058). |
The ISV line generally does not need to be changed. By default, the ISV line does not specify a port, so RLM dynamically chooses a port number when you start the license server.
ISV lightmap port=62645
•lightmap | the ISV vendor name |
•port=62645 | the TCP/IP port through which the ISV communicates. RLM dynamically chooses a port number when you start the license server. To specify a fixed port (to get through a firewall), add port=<isv-port> to the ISV line, where <isv-port> is the number of a free TPC/IP port. In the example above, we added port=62645 |
The LICENSE lines specifies the product and version being licensed. It shows you when the key will expire and how many licenses are granted.
LICENSE lightmap hdrlightstudio 2016.0412 12-apr-2016 5 hostid=ANY share=uh
start=12-apr-2015 issuer=web-shop customer=U-00000002 issued=12-apr-2015
disable="TerminalServer VM" _ck=202228fefb sig="302D02145AD0D8A948E
•lightmap | is the name of the ISV granting the license. |
•hdrlightstudio | is the product being licensed. |
•2016.0412 | is the build version of HDR Light Studio that will be licensed. Any version number less than this number will also be licensed with this key. This version number (2016.0412) will allow any builds of HDR Light Studio released before 12 April 2016 to be licensed with this key. |
•12-apr-2016 | is the date this license key will expire. The license will work on 12 April 2016 but not the following day. By default RLM uses the current local time zone. |
•5 | is the number of floating licenses granted. In this example, up to 5 client computers can simultaneously connect to the license server and get a license to run HDR Light Studio. |
•start=12-apr-2015 | is the date the license key will start to function. |
•customer=U-00000002 | identifies the person for whom this license was created. U- prefixes are web customers. A- prefixes are for other customers. |
•contract=commercial | the options are commercial, edu, beta, nfr. This defines your use of the software through the terms and conditions of the EULA. |
•issued=12-apr-2015 | is the date the license was created. |
•options | is an internal code to ensure the license is being used correctly. |
•disable="TerminalServer VM" | prevents licenses being used on virtual machines or terminal servers. |
•sig="302D0… B93E6" | is the encryption key. |