The RenderMan Menu is added to Houdini when the RenderMan for Houdini plugin is loaded.
If the top-level menu is customized to remove either the Help Menu or the RenderMan - RIS tool, the RenderMan menu tools will not be installed correctly. You will need to edit the <insertBefore> and <insertAfter> options in MainMenuCommon.xml to position them correctly in your customized menu.
Render: Start an interactive render session from a selected ROP node
Render in Background: Begin batch rendering to images in the background from the selected ROP node
Bake Render: Render a baking operation to the background using the PxrBake nodes
Dump RIB: Export a RIB file (defaults to .hip file location and Binary format)
Stop Render: End the render process
Create Light: Quick creation of RenderMan light types
Create Light Filter: Quick creation of RenderMan light filter types
Create Material: Quick creation of RenderMan materials
Create Integrator: Create an integrator for the ROP node from a list
Create Display Filter: Create a Display Filter from the list
Create Sample Filter: Add in a Sample Filter
Subdivide: Add and enable subdivision properties to the selected objects
Stylize: Selecting this option will connect a PxrStylizedControl node to the selected object(s) material
Holdout: Setup AOVs for the selected ROP node to export a holdout pass with shadows
Open Image Tool: Open the RenderMan Image Tool "it" for seeing and cataloging renders
Help: RenderMan Help Documentation
About RenderMan: The RenderMan version information and legal disclosures