HDR Light Studio includes a large library of preset lights you can use in your lighting projects, and you can save your own Light Presets also.
How to add lights from a Preset Light
Drag and Drop onto the Canvas
The light will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The light will be positioned where it was dropped.
Drag and Drop onto a Render View
The light will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The light will be positioned where it was dropped on the 3D model using LightPaint.
Drag and Drop onto the Light List
The light will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The light will be positioned using the location stored in the preset.
Double Click on the Preset
The light will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The light will be positioned using the location stored in the preset.
Next: Preset Content