
The proximity metadata module creates or adds a new metadata on the group agents based on the proximity to agents of other groups.


radiusdoublenoProximity radius
namestringnoMetadata name
typeintnoMetadata type id

Sight factor. Values close to 0 make the sight wider, while the sight gets narrower for values close to 1.
When the sight value is set to 0 the agents are visible as soon as their distance from the current agent is smaller than the proximity radius.

boolValueboolyesMetadata boolean value
intValueintyesMetadata int value
doubleValuedoubleyesMetadata double value
vec3ValuevecyesMetadata vector 3 value
quatValuevecyesMetadata quaternion value -  This value is exposed as a euler rotation then inside the moduel is converted to a quaternion
matrixValuematrixyesMetadata matrix value
stringValuestringyesMetadata string value
agentTypesstring arraynoOnly if agent type specified will be used, if the list is empty then all agent types will be used.
agentGroupsstring arraynoThe target agent groups to be used. If empty this module does nothing.
debugbool noEnables module debug drawing. 

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