Exporting a cache
You can open the cache exporter GUI using the shelf button or via the Atoms Menu: Atoms > Export > Cache Exporter
Exporting a cache
Select the agent group you want to export from the list, then choose a path where your cache will be saved.
Finally select your start and end frame.
There also few other options:
- Multithread: to be used for high number of agents
- Compress: compress each cache file
- Random Access Compress: compress each agent in the file. Best if you are planning to read randomly the agents keeping the benefit of compression; for instance, if you will time offset agents singularly later on.
Click on the "Export" button.
Cache Exporter
The cache exporter will export four files per frame:
- header: basic info such as number of agents at the current frame, number of create agents and number of deleted agents
- frame: agent data such as agent type, position, velocity, bbox and variation
- meta: agents metadata
- pose: agent skeleton data
To make the caches more portable, all the agent type files are saved in a subfolder next to your cache files.