

  • この行は追加されました。
  • この行は削除されました。
  • 書式設定が変更されました。

Atoms has its own internal format for agent caches, please check the reference to know more about what files is made of.

Cache header

The cache header is a MapMetadata cointaining the following key-value pairs:

  • agentIds: an IntArrayMetadata containing all the agents ids
  • cacheType: a StringMetadata,for internal use only and it must store the value "dynamic"
  • endFrame: an IntMetadata containing the end frame
  • startFrame: an IntMetadata containing the start frame

This file must have the following name extension: atoms (i.e. test_cache.atoms)

Agent types

To make the caches more portable, all the agent type files are saved in a "agentTypes" subfolder next to the cache files.

The agent type are serialized in a binary format:Atomsは、Agent Cacheのための独自の内部フォーマットを保有しています。どのファイルが作成されているかについての詳細を確認する場合は、Referenceをチェックしてください。

Cache Header

Cache Headerは、次のキーと値のペアを含むMapMetadataです。

  • agentIds:すべてのエージェントを含むIntArrayMetadata ID
  • cacheType:内部使用のみを目的としたStringMetadata。Value"dynamic"を格納する必要があります。
  • endFrame:終了フレームを含むIntMetadata
  • startFrame:開始フレームを含むIntMetadata



Agent Types

キャッシュの移植性を高めるために、すべてのAgent TypeファイルはCacheファイルの横にある "agentTypes"サブフォルダに保存されています。

コード ブロック
Atoms::AgentTypePtr agentType = agent->agentType();
AtomsCore::Archive agentTypeArchive(agentType->memSize());

 To make an agent type visible inside the Atoms UI, an event simulation python wrapper script is exported in the same folder.

エージェントタイプをAtoms UI内で表示可能にするために、Event Simulationのpythonラッパースクリプトが同じフォルダーにエクスポートされます。

コード ブロック
std::string cachePath = "/atomsDemo/cache/";
std::string agentType = agent->agentType().name();

Atoms::AgentTypePtr agentTypePtr = agent->agentType();
AtomsCore::Archive agentTypeArchive(agentTypePtr->memSize());
agentTypeArchive->writeToFile(cachePath + "/agentTypes/"  + agentType + ".agentType")

//store the python event wrapper
	const std::string pythonEvent =	
	"import AtomsCore\n"
	"import Atoms\n"
	"import imath\n"
	"class "+ agentType +"Cached(Atoms.SimulationEvent):\n"
	"\tagentTypeFile = r'" + agentTypePath + "'\n"
	"\teventName = '" + agentType + "Cached'\n"
	"\tagentTypeName = '+ agentType + '\n"
	"\tgeoPath = ''\n"
	"\tskinPath = ''\n"
	"\tstateMachine = ''\n"
	"\tdef __init__(self):\n"
	"\tdef load(self):\n"
	"\t\taType = Atoms.AgentType()\n"
	"\t\taTypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
	"\t\tif aTypeArchive.readFromFile(self.agentTypeFile):\n"
	"\t\tif self.geoPath:\n"
	"\t\t\tmeshMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()\n"
	"\t\t\ttypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
	"\t\t\tif typeArchive.readFromFile(self.geoPath):\n"
	"\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["lowGeo"] = meshMap\n"
	"\t\tif self.skinPath:\n"
	"\t\t\tskinMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()\n"
	"\t\t\tskinArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
	"\t\t\tif skinArchive.readFromFile(self.skinPath):\n"
	"\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["skinGeo"] = skinMap\n"
	"\t\taType.metadata()["stateMachine"] = AtomsCore.StringMetadata(self.stateMachine)\n"
	"\t\tAtoms.AgentTypes.instance().addAgentType(self.agentTypeName, aType)\n";

	std::string agentTypeWrapperPath = cachePath  + "/agenTypes/" + agentType + ".py";
	std::ofstream out(agentTypeWrapperPath);
    out << pythonEvent;

コード ブロック
import AtomsCore
import Atoms

class AgentTypeEvent$(Atoms.SimulationEvent):
\tagentTypeFile = r'agentTypeFile$'
\teventName = 'agentType$'
\tagentTypeName = 'agentTypeName$'
\tgeoPath = ''
\tskinPath = ''
\tstateMachine = ''

\tdef __init__(self):

\tdef load(self):
\t\taType = Atoms.AgentType()
\t\taTypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
\t\tif aTypeArchive.readFromFile(self.agentTypeFile):

\t\tif self.geoPath:
\t\t\tmeshMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()
\t\t\ttypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
\t\t\tif typeArchive.readFromFile(self.geoPath):
\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["lowGeo"] = meshMap

\t\tif self.skinPath:
\t\t\tskinMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()
\t\t\tskinArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()
\t\t\tif skinArchive.readFromFile(self.skinPath):
\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["skinGeo"] = skinMap

\t\taType.metadata()["stateMachine"] = AtomsCore.StringMetadata(self.stateMachine)

\t\tAtoms.AgentTypes.instance().addAgentType(self.agentTypeName, aType)

agentType = "atomsRobot"

# This serialize the agent type in python
aType = Atoms.AgentTypes.instance().agentType(agentType)
if aType:
  atArchive = AtomsCore.Archive(aType.memSize())
  atArchive.writeToFile(os.path.join(agentTypesPath, "%s.agentType" %

agentTypesPath = "/atomsDemo/cache/test_cache/agentTypes/"


af = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(agentTypesPath, "%s.agentType" %

agentTypeScript = agentTypeScript.replace("agentTypeFile$", af)
agentTypeScript = agentTypeScript.replace("agentType$","%sCached" %
agentTypeScript = agentTypeScript.replace("agentTypeName$",
agentTypeScript = agentTypeScript.replace("AgentTypeEvent$",
                                                      "%sCached" % (agentType))

with open(os.path.join(agentTypesPath, "%s.py" % (agentType)), "w") as pyFile:

Frame files

The cache has these four files per frame:

  • header: basic info such as number of agents at the current frame, number of created agents and number of deleted agents
  • frame: agent data such as agent type, position, velocity, bbox and variation
  • meta: agents metadata
  • pose: agent


    • header:現在のフレームのエージェント数、作成されたエージェントの数、削除されたエージェントの数などの基本情報
    • frame:エージェントの種類、位置、速度、bbox、バリエーションなどのエージェントデータ
    • meta:agents metadata
    • pose:agent skeleton data

    Header file

    The cache frame header is a MapMetadata cointaining the following key-value pairs:

    • agents: an IntArrayMetadata containing all the agents ids
    • agentsCreated: an IntArrayMetadata containing the ids of the created agents at this frame.
    • agentsDeleted: an IntArrayMetadata containing the ids of the deleted agents at this frame.
    • box: an BoxMetadata containing the bounding box at the current frame

    This file has the following extension: .$FRAME.header.atoms (i.e. test_cache.0010.header.atoms)

    Frame file

    The cache frame is a MapMetadata. Each entry in this map uses the agent id as key while the value is another MapMetadata containing the following key-value pairs:

    • agentType: StringMetadata containing the agent type name
    • box: BoxMetadata containing the agent bounding box
    • position: Vector3Metadata containing the agent position
    • variation: StringMetadata containing the agent variation
    • velocity: Vector3Metadata containing the agent velocity
    This is an example of frame data:

    Cache Frame Headerは、次のキーと値のペアを含むMapMetadataです。

    • agents:すべてのエージェントIDを含むIntArrayMetadata
    • agentsCreated:このフレームで作成されたエージェントのIDを含むIntArrayMetadata
    • agentsDeleted:このフレームで削除されたエージェントのIDを含むIntArrayMetadata
    • box:現在のフレームのバウンディングボックスを含むBoxMetadata


    $ FRAME.header.atoms(つまりtest_cache.0010.header.atoms)

    Frame file


    • agentType:エージェントタイプ名を含むStringMetadata
    • box:エージェントバウンディングボックスを含むBoxMetadata
    • position:エージェントの位置を含むVector3Metadata
    • variation:エージェントバリエーションを含むStringMetadata
    • velocity:エージェントの速度を含むVector3Metadata


    • "0":

    - "agentType": StringMetadata("atomsRobot")

    - "box": BoxMetadata(AtomsCore::Box(AtomsCore::Vector3(-10,-10,-10),AtomsCore::Vector3( 10, 10, 10)))

    - "position": Vector3Metadata(AtomsCore::Vector3(0,0,0))



    "velocity": Vector3Metadata(AtomsCore::Vector3(1.4354,0.234,0.54433))

    • "1":

    - "agentType": StringMetadata("atomsRobot")

    - "box": BoxMetadata(AtomsCore::Box(AtomsCore::Vector3(-50,-10,-50),AtomsCore::Vector3(-40, 10, -40)))

    - "position": Vector3Metadata(AtomsCore::Vector3(-45,0,0))

    - "velocity": Vector3Metadata(AtomsCore::Vector3(1.5464,0.124,0.76433))

    • "5":

    - "agentType": StringMetadata("atomsRobot")

    - "box": BoxMetadata(...)

    - "position": Vector3Metadata(...)

    - "velocity": Vector3Metadata(...)

    • ...
    This file has the following extension: .$FRAME


    $ FRAME.frame.atoms (i.e. testatoms(つまりtest_cache.0010.frame.atoms)


    The cache meta file is a MapMetadata. Each entry in this map uses the agent id as key while the value is another MapMetadata containing all the metadatas of the agent

    This is an example:.frame.atoms)


    Cache MetaファイルはMapMetadataです。このマップの各エントリは、エージェントIDをキーとして使用し、値はエージェントのすべてのメタデータを含む別のMapMetadataです。


    • "0":
      - "position": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "direction": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "state": IntMetadata(...)
      - ...
    • "1":

      - "position": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "direction": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "state": IntMetadata(...)
      - ...

    • "1":

      - "position": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "direction": Vector3Metadata(...)
      - "state": IntMetadata(...)
      - ...

    • ...
    This file must have the following extension: .$FRAME.meta.atoms (i
    • .

    e. test_cache.0010.meta.atoms)
    Pose file

    The cache pose file is a MapMetadata. Each entry in this map uses the agent id as key while the value is a PoseMetadata that store the agent pose.

    This file has the following extension: .$FRAME.pose.atoms (i.e. test
    • .)
      - "state": IntMetadata(...)
      - ...

    • ...


    $ FRAME.meta.atoms(つまりtest_cache.0010.pose.atoms)

    Writing an Atoms cache

    An atoms cache can be exported using the AtomsCache::exportCacheFrame() function. This function exports only the frame files, the header and the agents type must be exported separately.


    Pose file

    Cache Pose fileは、MapMetadataです。このマップの各エントリは、エージェントIDをキーとして使用し、値はエージェントのポーズを格納するPoseMetadataです。

    $ FRAME.pose.atoms(つまりtest_cache.0010.pose.atoms)

    Atoms Cacheの書き込み

    AtomsCache :: exportCacheFrame()関数を使用して、Atoms Cacheをエクスポートできます。この関数は、フレームファイルだけをエクスポートします。HeaderとAgent Typeは、別々にエクスポートする必要があります。

    コード ブロック
    #include <Atoms/AtomsCache
    std::string cachePath = "/atomsDemo/cache/";
    std::string cacheName = "cache_test";
    int startFrame = 1;
    int endFrame = 2;
    // list of agents groups to export
    std::vector<AtomsPtr<Atoms::AgentGroup>> agentGroups;
    // if you are in maya or houdini you can get the agent groups from the agents simulation
    auto sims = Atoms::AgentsSimulations::instance()
    auto sim = sims.begin().second;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i < sim.numAgentGroups(); i++)
    // This maps the agent global id with the cache id 
    std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t> cacheIdMap;
    std::set<std::string> agentTypes;
    // Add compression and use multithread 
    size_t tags = AtomsCore::Archive::kRandomAccessCompress | AtomsCore::Archive::kMultithread;
    for (unsigned int frame = startFrame; frame < endFrame; frame++)
    	AtomsCache::exportCacheFrame(cachePath, cacheName, frame, agentGroups, cacheIdMap, agentTypes, tags);
    // save the agent types
    Atoms::AgentTypes& agentTypes = Atoms::AgentTypes::instance();
    for(const std::string agentType: agentTypes)
    	auto agentTypePtr = agentTypes->agentType(agentType);
    	if (!agentTypePtr)
    	AtomsCore::Archive agentTypeArchive(agentTypePtr->memSize());
    	std::string agentTypePath = cachePath  + "/agenTypes/" + agentType + ".agentType";
    	//store the python event wrapper
    	const std::string pythonEvent =	
    	"import AtomsCore\n"
    	"import Atoms\n"
    	"import imath\n"
    	"class "+ agentType +"Cached(Atoms.SimulationEvent):\n"
    	"\tagentTypeFile = r'" + agentTypePath + "'\n"
    	"\teventName = '" + agentType + "Cached'\n"
    	"\tagentTypeName = '+ agentType + '\n"
    	"\tgeoPath = ''\n"
    	"\tskinPath = ''\n"
    	"\tstateMachine = ''\n"
    	"\tdef __init__(self):\n"
    	"\tdef load(self):\n"
    	"\t\taType = Atoms.AgentType()\n"
    	"\t\taTypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
    	"\t\tif aTypeArchive.readFromFile(self.agentTypeFile):\n"
    	"\t\tif self.geoPath:\n"
    	"\t\t\tmeshMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()\n"
    	"\t\t\ttypeArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
    	"\t\t\tif typeArchive.readFromFile(self.geoPath):\n"
    	"\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["lowGeo"] = meshMap\n"
    	"\t\tif self.skinPath:\n"
    	"\t\t\tskinMap = AtomsCore.MapMetadata()\n"
    	"\t\t\tskinArchive = AtomsCore.Archive()\n"
    	"\t\t\tif skinArchive.readFromFile(self.skinPath):\n"
    	"\t\t\t\taType.metadata()["skinGeo"] = skinMap\n"
    	"\t\taType.metadata()["stateMachine"] = AtomsCore.StringMetadata(self.stateMachine)\n"
    	"\t\tAtoms.AgentTypes.instance().addAgentType(self.agentTypeName, aType)\n";
    	std::string agentTypeWrapperPath = cachePath  + "/agenTypes/" + agentType + ".py";
    	std::ofstream out(agentTypeWrapperPath);
        out << pythonEvent;
    // write the cache header
    AtomsCore::IntArrayMetadata agentIdsMeta;
    std::vector<int>& agentIdsVec = agentIdsMeta.get();
    for (auto it=cacheIdMap.begin(); it != cacheIdMap.end(); it++)
    std::sort(agentIdsVec.begin(), agentIdsVec.end());
    AtomsCore::MapMetadata cacheHeader;
    cacheHeader.addEntry("startFrame", &AtomsCore::IntMetadata(startFrame));
    cacheHeader.addEntry("endFrame", &AtomsCore::IntMetadata(endFrame));
    cacheHeader.addEntry("cacheType", &AtomsCore::StringMetadata("dynamic"));
    cacheHeader.addEntry("agentIds", &agentIdsMeta);
    Reading an




    Since the Atoms cache is made of different serialized MapMetadata you can read them using the atoms serialization system.

    If you are going to query multiple times different cache frames during a simulation, you can use the cache manager to increase the performance.Atoms Cacheは、様々なシリアル化されたMapMetadataで構成されているため、Atoms Serialization Systemを使用してそれらを読み取ることができます。
    シミュレーション中に、異なるキャッシュフレームを複数回Queryする場合は、Cache Managerを使用して、パフォーマンスを向上させることができます。