Rigs are entire lighting designs containing multiple lights.Rigsとは、複数のライトを含むライティングデザイン一式のことです。
HDR Light Studio is supplied with a range of example rigs and you can save your own Rig Presets too.
Rigs provide all the benefits of 'off the shelf' static HDRI maps, but without the limitations. Everything is editable in HDR Light Studio, the rig is a starting point and the lighting can be properly crafted to suit your shot. Rigs are not limited to storing entire lighting setups. You may have a small collection of light sources that you use on most projects. Store them in a rig, and drag and drop to add that set of lights in an instant.
How to add lights from a Preset Rig
Drag and Drop onto the Canvas
All of the lights from the preset rig will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The lights in the rig will always be positioned where they were stored in the preset, therefore ignoring the location dropped.
Drag and Drop onto a Render View
All of the lights from the preset rig will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The lights in the rig will always be positioned where they were stored in the preset, therefore ignoring the location dropped.
Drag and Drop onto the Light List
All of the lights from the preset rig will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The lights in the rig will always be positioned where they were stored in the preset, therefore ignoring the location dropped.
Double Click on the Preset
All of the lights from the preset rig will be added to your current lighting project, at the top of the light list.
The lights in the rig will always be positioned where they were stored in the preset.
Right Click - Choose 'Replace Lights with Rig' (New in Tungsten Drop 4)
This will delete all lights and replace them with the rig lights.
This is a really fast way to test different lighting rigs.Studioには、さまざまなリグの例が付属しています。独自のリグのプリセットを保存することも可能です。
Rigsは、「既製の」静的なHDRIマップのすべての要素を提供しますが、制限はありません。HDR Light Studioでは、すべてが編集可能です。リグを出発点として、ショットに合わせてライティングを簡単に調整することができます。Rigsは、ライティングセットアップ全体の保存を行っているとは限りません。ほとんどのプロジェクトで使用する光源の小規模なコレクションがあるかもしれません。それらをリグに保存して、そのリグをドラッグ&ドロップすることで、瞬時にライトのセットを追加できます。
Render Viewへのドラッグ&ドロップ
Light Listへのドラッグ&ドロップ
右クリックし、「Replace Lights with Rig」を選択(Tungsten Drop 4の新機能)