Writing the behaviour module
Create a new class and hinerit from the base Atoms::BehaviourModule class. With a constructor a desctructor and a static creator function used by Atoms to create an isntance of this module.新しいクラスを作成して、ベースから継承します。
Atoms :: Behaviourモジュールクラス。コンストラクタ、デストラクタ、およびスタティッククリエータ関数(こちらのモジュールのインスタンスを作成するために、Atomsが必要とする)を定義します。
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class FollowTargetModule: public Atoms::BehaviourModule { public: FollowTargetModule() {} virtual ~FollowTargetModule() {} static Atoms::BehaviourModule* creator(const std::string& parameter); }; Atoms::BehaviourModule* FollowTargetModule::creator(const std::string& parameter) { return new FollowTargetModule(); } |
Add some attributes to our node. In this case we need only a target position. The attributes of the module are stored inside a MapMetadata object, you can add new attributes using the addAttribute function. Add this attribute inside the constructor.
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このモジュールでは、Target Positionアトリビュートのみが必要になります。モジュールのアトリビュートは、MapMetadataオブジェクト、FollowTargetModule()内に格納されます。addAttribute関数を使用して新しいアトリビュートを追加できます。
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FollowTargetModule(): Atoms::BehaviourModule() { AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata targetPosition(AtomsCore::Vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)); // The last argumet specify if this attribute can be override per agent addAttribute("targetPosition", &targerPosition, true); } |
Now we need to compute the new agent direction at each frame before the agent pose is computed, so we need to override the initFrame function.
You can override other function linke the endFrame or initSimulation or agentsCreated but in this case we need only the initFrame.
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void |
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void initFrame(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr)
} |
In the initFrame function get the targetPosition value and iterate over each agent to read the position and set the new direction.
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void initFrame |
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void initFrame(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr)
// Get the target position from the moduel attribute
AtomsCore::MapMetadata& attributeMap = attributes();
AtomsCore::Vector3& targetPosition = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("targetPosition")->get();
// iterate over each agent
for(Atoms::Agent* agent: agents)
if (!agent)
//get the agent position
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position");
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction");
if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr )
// compute the new direction
directionPtr->set((targetPosition - positionPtr->get()).normalized());
} |
target positionアトリビュートは、エージェント毎にオーバーライドを実施することができますが、それを処理するコードはまだありません。アトリビュートを上書きすると、 "AttributeName_override"という名前の新しいmapmetadataが作成されます。このmapmetadataのキーは、エージェントグループIDですが、ユーザーが自分の3Dアプリケーション内からオーバーライドを指定した場合にのみ表示されます。
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void initFrame(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr) { // Get the target position from the moduel attribute AtomsCore::MapMetadata& attributeMap = attributes(); AtomsCore::Vector3& targetPosition = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("targetPosition")->get(); //get the override map metadata AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::MapMetadata> targetPositionOverride = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MapMetadata>("targetPosition_override"); // used to store the groupId as string char groupIdChar[12]; std::string groupIdStr; groupIdStr.reserve(12); // iterate over each agent for(Atoms::Agent* agent: agents) { if (!agent) continue; //get the agent position AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position"); AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction"); if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr ) continue; // get the agent group id AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::IntMetadata> groupIdPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::IntMetadata>("groupId"); if (!groupIdPtr) continue; //convert the groupId to a string since the map metadata use only strings as key sprintf(groupIdChar, "%d", groupIdPtr->value()); groupIdStr = groupIdChar; //check if the agent is inside the override map AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> overrideTargetPos = targetPositionOverride->getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>(groupIdStr); if (overrideTargetPos) { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((overrideTargetPos->get() - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } else { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((targetPosition - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } } } |
If you want imporve the performance of the module you can add tbb to parallelize the main for loop.
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void initFrame(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr) { // Get the target position from the moduel attribute AtomsCore::MapMetadata& attributeMap = attributes(); AtomsCore::Vector3& targetPosition = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("targetPosition")->get(); //get the override map metadata AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::MapMetadata> targetPositionOverride = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MapMetadata>("targetPosition_override"); // iterate over each agent tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>(0, agents.size()), [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r) { // used to store the groupId as string char groupIdChar[12]; std::string groupIdStr; groupIdStr.reserve(12); for (size_t i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++) { Atoms::Agent* agent = agents[i]; if (!agent) continue; //get the agent position AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position"); AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction"); if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr ) continue; // get the agent group id AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::IntMetadata> groupIdPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::IntMetadata>("groupId"); if (!groupIdPtr) continue; //convert the groupId to a string since the map metadata use only strings as key sprintf(groupIdChar, "%d", groupIdPtr->value()); groupIdStr = groupIdChar; //check if the agent is inside the override map AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> overrideTargetPos = targetPositionOverride->getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>(groupIdStr); if (overrideTargetPos) { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((overrideTargetPos->get() - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } else { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((targetPosition - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } } }); } |
Register the behaviour module
Now the behaviour module must be added to the behaviour module factory.Visual Debuggingオプションの追加
directionベクトルを視覚的にデバッグするためのdraw関数を実装しましょう。ラインデータを格納するためにstd :: vector <AtomsCore :: Vector 3> m_drawLinesをクラスに追加します。
そしてdraw関数の中で、最後にdraw lines関数を呼び出して、いくつかのラインを引くことができます。
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extern "C"
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool initializePlugin()
Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance();
moduleManager.registerBehaviourModule("SimpleFollowTarget", &FollowTargetModule::creator, Atoms::BehaviourModules::kNative);
return true;
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool unitializePlugin()
Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance();
return true;
Compile the behaviour module
In visual studio create a dll projects, add the atoms, tbb and openexr includes and add BUILD_ATOMSPLUGIN to the preprocessor definitions.
Compile as a shared object adding the atoms, tbb and opendexr includes and BUILD_ATOMSPLUGIN to the preprocessor definitions.
Use the behaviour module
Add to the ATOMS_PLUGINS_PATH environment variable, the folder where the plugin is located. Then the module is automatically loaded when you load atoms.
Final code
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void preDraw(Atoms::DrawContext* context, const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup)
// The pre draw function is called only on time or attribute change,
// so it's safe to collect the data from the agents here
for (size_t i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++)
Atoms::Agent* agent = agents[i];
//get the agent position
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position");
AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction");
if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr ) continue;
m_drawLines[i*2] = positionPtr->get();
m_drawLines[i*2 + 1] = positionPtr->get() + directionPtr0>get();
void draw(Atoms::DrawContext* context, const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup)
// the draw function is called when the dcc update the viewports
} |
Behaviour モジュールを登録する
BehaviourモジュールをBehaviour Module Factoryに追加する必要があります。
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extern "C"
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool initializePlugin()
Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance();
moduleManager.registerBehaviourModule("SimpleFollowTarget", &FollowTargetModule::creator, Atoms::BehaviourModules::kNative);
return true;
ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool unitializePlugin()
Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance();
return true;
Behaviour モジュールをコンパイルする
Visual Studioでdllプロジェクトを作成し、atom、tbb、openexr includeを追加して、BUILD_ATOMSPLUGINをプリプロセッサ定義に追加します。
Atoms、tbbおよびopendexr includesとBUILD_ATOMSPLUGINをプリプロセッサ定義に追加して、共有オブジェクトとしてコンパイルします。
Behaviour モジュールを使用する
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#pragma once #include <Atoms/BehaviourModule.h> #include <Atoms/Agent.h> #include <Atoms/AgentGroup.h> #include <AtomsUtils/Logger.h> #include <Atoms/GlobalNames.h> #include <AtomsCore/Metadata/IntMetadata.h> #include <AtomsCore/Metadata/Vector3Metadata.h> #include <tbb/parallel_for.h> #include <algorithm> class FollowTargetModule : public Atoms::BehaviourModule { public: FollowTargetModule(): Atoms::BehaviourModule() { AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata targetPosition(AtomsCore::Vector3(0.0,0.0,0.0)); // The last argumet specify if this attribute can be override per agent addAttribute("targetPosition", &targerPosition, true); } ~FollowTargetModule() { } void initFrame(const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup = nullptr) { // Get the target position from the moduel attribute AtomsCore::MapMetadata& attributeMap = attributes(); AtomsCore::Vector3& targetPosition = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("targetPosition")->get(); //get the override map metadata AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::MapMetadata> targetPositionOverride = attributeMap.getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::MapMetadata>("targetPosition_override"); // iterate over each agent tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>(0, agents.size()), [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& r) { // used to store the groupId as string char groupIdChar[12]; std::string groupIdStr; groupIdStr.reserve(12); for (size_t i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); i++) { Atoms::Agent* agent = agents[i]; if (!agent) continue; //get the agent position AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position"); AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction"); if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr ) continue; // get the agent group id AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::IntMetadata> groupIdPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::IntMetadata>("groupId"); if (!groupIdPtr) continue; //convert the groupId to a string since the map metadata use only strings as key sprintf(groupIdChar, "%d", groupIdPtr->value()); groupIdStr = groupIdChar; //check if the agent is inside the override map AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> overrideTargetPos = targetPositionOverride->getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>(groupIdStr); if (overrideTargetPos) { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((overrideTargetPos->get() - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } else { // compute the new direction directionPtr->set((targetPosition - positionPtr->get()).normalized()); } } }); } void preDraw(Atoms::DrawContext* context, const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup) { // The pre draw function is called only when the time is changed or some attribute is changed so // we can collect the data from the agents here m_drawLines.resize(agents.size()*2); for (size_t i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++) { Atoms::Agent* agent = agents[i]; //get the agent position AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> positionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("position"); AtomsPtr<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata> directionPtr = agent->metadata().getTypedEntry<AtomsCore::Vector3Metadata>("direction"); if(!positionPtr || !directionPtr ) continue; m_drawLines[i*2] = positionPtr->get(); m_drawLines[i*2 + 1] = positionPtr->get() + directionPtr0>get(); } } void draw(Atoms::DrawContext* context, const std::vector<Atoms::Agent*>& agents, Atoms::AgentGroup* agentGroup) { // the draw function is called when the dcc update the viewports context->lines(m_drawLines); } static Atoms::BehaviourModule* creator(const std::string& parameter); private: std::vector<AtomsCore::Vector3> m_drawLines; }; Atoms::BehaviourModule* FollowTargetModule::creator(const std::string& parameter) { return new FollowTargetModule(); } extern "C" { ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool initializePlugin() { Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance(); moduleManager.registerBehaviourModule("SimpleFollowTarget", &FollowTargetModule::creator, Atoms::BehaviourModules::kNative); return true; } ATOMSPLUGIN_EXPORT bool unitializePlugin() { Atoms::BehaviourModules& moduleManager = Atoms::BehaviourModules::instance(); moduleManager.deregisterBehaviourModule("SimpleFollowTarget"); return true; } } |