

現在のバージョンとの相違点 バージョン履歴を表示

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Before you can start using Atoms in your 3D application, you have to initialize your scene.
Some tools (i.e. Atoms UI) require your scene to be initialized, in case you haven't done that before opening such tools you will be prompted a dialog asking if you want to initialize it.
Alternatively you can initialize your scene manually via the shelf or the Atoms Menu: Atoms > Scene > Init Scene. 

When a scene is initialized one or more nodes (depending on which 3D application you're working with) will be created.

In Houdini an AtomsNode and a AtomsSim_DOP nodes will be created. The AtomsNode has one attribute containing the data for your agent variations and one attribute containing the data for your scene (Agent Types, Animation Clips, etc.). The data is stored on those attributes as json strings. 
We provide tools for editing this json data, but you are allowed to create or edit it manually or with a script. Please be careful when doing this as you might break your scene.

You can find tools for exporting and importing your scene and variation data under the Atoms Menu:

  • Atoms > Scene > Import Scene Json
  • Atoms > Scene > Export Scene Json
  • Atoms > Variations > Import Variation Json
  • Atoms > Variations > Export Variation Json

The AtomsSim_DOP network contains the Atoms solver. This solver pulls data from the agent group sop nodes and simulate the agents, please don't use the dop caching system to cache your atoms simulation, this solver isn't a standard Houdini solver. Atoms has got a custom caching system.

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