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Diffusion is a blur effect, similar to Gaussian blur. In the context of lighting, it is most useful for replicating the effect of seeing lights through a diffusing medium like cloth or tracing paper. This is a standard technique used in photography and film. Learn about the settings for Diffusion below, or take a look at these examples of Diffusion in action.
Example 1 - Diffusing the Sun
Example 2 - Diffusing Bright Lights
Example 3 - Lighting through Tracing Paper
例1 - 太陽の拡散
例2 - 明るいライトの拡散
例3 - トレーシングペーパーを通してライティングを行う
Diffusion Filterの設定
Type - Spherical
With the Spherical setting, Diffusion blurring is correctly applied taking into account the image is a HDRI map with lat-long mapping. Therefore, the blurring is uniform when the image is mapped onto an environment light, and it is blurred correctly across the left and right edge of the image. The blur also conserves light energy - so as the map is blurred more and more, the amount of light energy it contains remains the same.
Controls the amount of Diffusion blur being applied. Higher values mean more blur.
There are 3 accuracy settings: Low, Medium, and High.
The higher the setting, the smoother the result but it will take a little longer to render.Sphericalの設定では、画像がLat-LongマッピングのHDRIマップであることを考慮して、正しくDiffusionブラーが適用されます。したがって、画像が環境光にマッピングされる際にブラーは均一になり、画像の左端と右端にまたがって正しくぼかされます。また、ブラーは光エネルギーを保存するため、マップをどんどんぼかしても、含まれる光エネルギーの量は変わりません。
Type - Planar
Use this setting to apply Diffusion blurring to flat images. For example the appearance of an Area Light.
この設定は、平面の画像にDiffusionブラーを適用するために使用します。例えば、Area Lightの外観です。
Scale to FitWith this setting On, the blurred content will be scaled to fit inside the image dimensions - maintaining soft edges.
The higher the blur percentage, the more the image is reduced in scale to fit.
With this setting Off, the image will be blurred without scaling. As the blur amount increases, the blur will spill over the edges of the texture space.
Left: Light without Diffusion Middle: Light with Diffusion, Scale to Fit: Off, see how the blur spills over the edges Right: Light with Diffusion, Scale to Fit: On, see how all of the blurred light is contained within the texture.
There are 3 accuracy settings: Low, Medium, and High.
The higher the setting, the smoother the result but it will take a little longer to render.
Next: Let's take a look at Diffusion in action in Example 1この設定をOnにすると、ぼかしたコンテンツは画像の寸法に収まるように拡大縮小され、ソフトエッジが維持されます。
左:Diffusionなしのライト 真ん中:Diffusionありのライト、Scale to Fit:Off、ブラーがエッジからあふれ出る様子をご覧ください 右:Diffusionありのライト、Scale to Fit:On、ぼかされたライトの全てがテクスチャ内に収まっている様子をご覧ください
3 つの正確さの設定があります:Low、Midium、High