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The clip reader module reads an animation clip and applies it to the group agents.


behave3dboolnoIf true, the agents will move freely in 3D as if they were particles. The Particle operator is going to be applied instead of the Pelvis and Foot Operators.
clipNamestringyesThe animation clip name.
fixLegStretchboolnoIf true, compensate the leg stretching.
frameRatestringyesFrequency at which the frames are read and displayed.
gravityFieldstringnoThe name of the gravity field.
heightFieldstringnoThe name of the height field.
heightFieldOffsetdoublenoAn extra offset applied to your agent heights from the ground.
seedintnoSeed random value.
startFramedoubleyesThe start frame of the clip. If set to a value lower than 0, a random value is used instead.
debug boolnoEnables module debug drawing.
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