Marching Queue
Marching Queue
from maya import cmds import AtomsMath import AtomsCore import Atoms import AtomsUtils class MarchingQueueModule(Atoms.BehaviourModule): """ This module assumes all agent are atomsRobots """ def __init__(self): Atoms.BehaviourModule.__init__(self) def endFrame(self, agents, agroup): for i in range(1, len(agents)): skeleton = agents[i].agentType().skeleton() root_id = skeleton.jointId("LeftArm") mid_id = skeleton.jointId("LeftForeArm") ik_id = skeleton.jointId("LeftHand") if -1 in [root_id, mid_id, ik_id]: AtomsUtils.Logger.warning("couldn't find one or more joint ids") continue poser = AtomsCore.Poser(skeleton) other_pose = agents[i - 1].pose() wm = poser.getWorldMatrix(other_pose, root_id) target_pos = AtomsMath.V3d(wm[3][0], wm[3][1], wm[3][2]) #adding a small offset to have less mesh intersection target_pos.y += 10 pose = agents[i].pose() AtomsCore.solveTwoJointsIKNoPoleVector(pose, skeleton, target_pos, root_id, mid_id, ik_id, 0, True, 0.3) ''' MAYA SETUP ''' def register(): Atoms.BehaviourModules.instance().registerBehaviourModule("marchingQueue", MarchingQueueModule, True) def setup(): cmds.tcAtoms(init=True) agn = cmds.createNode('tcAgentGroupNode') cmds.setAttr(agn + ".displayType", 1) register() cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[0].moduleType", "pointsLayout", type="string") cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[0].moduleName", "pointsLayout", type="string") count = 6 for i in range(count): cmds.setAttr("%s.atoms_pointsLayout_agentTypes[%d]" % (agn, i), "atomsRobot", type="string") cmds.setAttr("%s.atoms_pointsLayout_directions[%d]" % (agn, i), 1, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr("%s.atoms_pointsLayout_points[%d]" % (agn, i), (count - i) * 60, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[1].moduleType", "stateMachine", type="string") cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[1].moduleName", "stateMachine", type="string") cmds.setAttr(agn + ".atoms_stateMachine_state", 1) cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[2].moduleType", "marchingQueue", type="string") cmds.setAttr(agn + ".modules[2].moduleName", "marchingQueue", type="string")
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